Pool Rules
2025 Update: The pool rules are currently under review and will be finalized prior to opening day.
The following rules apply to all members and guests of Woodley Pool. Visit the links below if you are looking for information about:
Members: Active members of the Association and all family members properly named per Woodley membership policies.
Guests: Any person authorized to use Woodley facilities who is not a Member.
Adults: Any person 21 years of age and older.
Manager: The pool manager or, in his or her absence, the assistant manager on duty.
Only members in good standing and their guests will be admitted to the premises. A list of paid members will be maintained at the front desk. Members and guests must sign in and be validated before entering premises.
Bathers will enter the pool only through the entrances provided. Passing over, under, or through the ropes is prohibited.
Bathers with skin diseases, open sores, colds, inflamed eyes, nasal or ear discharges, or communicable diseases will not be allowed to use the pool.
No pets are permitted on the premises.
Bicycles must be kept in the bicycle rack provided for that purpose and shall not be ridden within the confines of the fenced-in area. Riding of bicycles and skateboards is prohibited in the parking lot and fenced-in areas. Staff may put their bicycles in the shed.
No unlicensed or unregistered motor vehicles will be permitted on the pool property.
Woodley Recreation Association, Inc. will not assume responsibility for loss of personal items within the pool area or on pool property. Staff members will not assume responsibility for the safekeeping of valuables or other personal items.
The manager shall have authority to close the pool in the interest of safety during poor weather conditions or because of operational concerns, and all members and guests must abide by the manager’s decisions in this regard.
The manager and staff will be responsible for the strict enforcement of the rules and the manager is authorized to temporarily remove any member or guest from the Association facilities. A written statement will be filed with a member of the Board of Directors within 12 hours whenever the manager takes such action.
On-site complaints shall be directed to the manager. Written suggestions or complaints should be emailed to the Board Liaison at liaison@woodleypool.org, or to any Board Member through the pool website.
The pool may be closed at various times during the operating year in deference to accommodating special events approved by the Board of Directors.
On days when competitive swim meets are held at the Association, the pool will be open for general swimming when guards resume normal supervision of the pool. On evenings when competitive dive meets are held at the Association, the diving well will be closed to use by members, and the pool may be unavailable for general use. If the pool is open, care must be taken to avoid excessive noise in the pool area.
Anyone entering the pool and/or pool area who, by their actions, may be detrimental to the health or safety of any other person or to their self shall be asked to leave the pool property by the manager. All members and guests must abide the manager’s decision in this regard.
Persons under the influence of alcohol will be denied admittance into the premises.
Conduct deemed offensive or disorderly by the manager shall be cause for ejection from the pool property. Examples of offensive or disorderly conduct may include (but are not limited to) excessive use of profanity in a manner that disrupts members and guests, or the playing of music openly in a loud, offensive, or disruptive manner.
Woodley will not tolerate abuse against a member, including but not limited to, sexual abuse, physical abuse, mental, and emotional abuse (as well as any type of bullying, hazing, or harassment). Bullying involves abusive behavior and includes the use of words and gestures. Emotional bullying includes but is not limited to terrorizing, extorting, humiliating, or abuse based on race, disability, ethnicity, or perceived sexual orientation. Physical bullying can include pushing, hitting, kicking a person or interfering with their property.
Woodley’s abuse policy is not limited to Woodley grounds and may include abusive emails, texts, or phone calls between members that will directly lead to an unsafe environment at Woodley Pool.
Any individual with an offense involving or against a member will be subject to discipline per the disciplinary action section, up to and including revocation of membership.
Members and guests will not interfere with lifeguards in performance of duties. All persons are required to stay clear of lifeguard stands, unless called by the lifeguard. Bathers shall not carry on conversations with lifeguards on duty in lifeguard stands, unless pertaining to an emergency and/or official business.
All bathers will shower with soap and water before using the pool. All bathers engaged in any sports activities shall retake a shower with soap and water before re-entering the pool.
There is no smoking, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, or other vaping devices, allowed on the property, including the parking lot.
Adults or children suspected by any staff member of using illegal drugs will be warned that legal action may follow. Parents of children associated with the use of illegal drugs will also be informed. Anyone caught using illegal drugs will be turned in to the police.
The cost of any damage to Association property caused willfully or as a result of failure to obey the operating rules and regulations will be charged to the responsible member of the Association or to the sponsoring member if a guest is responsible for the damage.
Association parking lot speed is 5 miles per hour. No parking is permitted at any time in front of the double gates.
Spitting, spouting water, or blowing of nose are prohibited in the pool.
Dunking, boisterous conduct, or rough play, other than supervised sports, are not permitted in the pool.
Running on the pool apron or pushing persons into the pools is prohibited.
Diving from the side of the lane designated as a lap lane, is prohibited.
A designated area for unobstructed (lap) swimming will be provided, conditions permitting. No playing is permitted in the lap lanes.
Lap lane swimmers must make way to allow members or guests requiring use of the handicap accessible chair to enter the pool.
The use of kickboards, tubes, air mattresses, and other flotation devices will be regulated at the discretion of the manager.
The use of water balls or other objects designed for throwing or capable of being thrown is prohibited within the pool, except for organized games.
Facemasks and swimming goggles (plastic or tempered glass only) are permitted in the pool.
Only soft, unbreakable toys or play objects are permitted in the baby pool area.
Only proper swimming attire is allowed in the pool, unless some other type is necessary for medical reasons, in which case a signed note from a treating physician will be required and shall be provided to the manager.
Children 8 years and under must be accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult or adult-designated babysitter at all times. The only exception will be designated practice periods for swim and dive team members.
Members and guests will ensure that their children avail themselves of toilet facilities before entering the pool.
Infants and toddlers who are not toilet trained must wear swim diapers in order to enter the water. Swim diapers are available at the front desk.
Non-swimmers must not venture into areas of the pool that exceed their ability to stand above water, and in no case are permitted in the area of the pool where the depth is greater than 5 feet. The manager shall have discretion to require proof of swimming ability.
A rest period will be called for 15 minutes before the hour until the hour. Children 14 years and under shall leave the pool and the pool deck during that time.
Children 12 years of age and younger will be required to pass a swimming test administered by the manager or lifeguard in order to be classified as a qualified swimmer. To pass the test, each swimmer must be capable of at least:
Swimming one length of the pool or its equivalent, and
Treading water for one minute
The manager has the authority to require the presence of a responsible individual at poolside for the supervision of any swimmer if, in his/her opinion, conditions warrant such action.
Only children 5 years of age and under are permitted to use the baby pool, and they must be accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult or adult-designated babysitter, in the fenced-in baby pool area, at all times. Children 5 years and under must never be left unattended in the baby pool area.
Playpens and strollers/carriages are permitted on the baby pool apron for adults or adult-designated babysitters responsible for children using the baby pool.
Lawn chairs shall not be placed in such a way as to impede entry and exit from the baby pool area.
Lawn chairs are not permitted on the rim of the pool (coping stones) or in the baby pool water itself.
Lawn chairs must be removed from the apron after use.
Facemasks, goggles, and arm flotation devices are not permitted when diving.
Only one person is permitted on the diving board or ladder at a time.
Boisterous conduct or rough play on the board will not be tolerated, nor will climbing or hanging on the sides of the board.
The board is to be used only for jumping or diving forward into the pool. There will be no jumping or diving toward the sides of the pool.
Continuous bouncing on the board is not permitted – one bounce is sufficient to complete a dive.
Those who for any reason are unable to complete a dive or jump after reaching the board should request assistance from the guard.
No diving from the board is permitted until the previous diver has reached the ladder.
Running off the diving board is prohibited.
Inward, reverse, and back dives are prohibited unless supervised by a Woodley Swim and Dive coach on the pool deck.
Back jumps, somersaults, flips, and spinning off the deck are prohibited.
Divers upon surfacing shall swim either out of the diving area or to the nearest ladder in the diving area and leave the pool.
General swimming in the diving area is at the sole discretion of the manager only if the boards are not in use.
Diving from the concrete deck at the side of the pool in the diving area when the diving board is in use is prohibited.
Ball playing will be regulated and confined to areas designated by the management. In no case is ball playing permitted under the Pavilion. Running, pushing, wrestling, or causing undue disturbance in or around the pool area will not be tolerated and will be cause for ejection from the pool property.
Athletic equipment will be issued only upon proper signature. Persons signing out athletic equipment will be responsible for its care, return and replacement if damaged or lost.
No food is allowed on the pool deck, including at any tables that may be on the pool deck. Food, beverages, and other edibles are permitted only outside the pool deck.
All trash and litter shall be placed in refuse containers provided.
Placing decorations, bringing food, and providing music are all allowed in the pavilion area.
Members renting the Pavilion shall clean up the area, including removal of all decorations and pick-up of all food and trash from the tables and Pavilion floor.
Event set-up and clean up must be completed within the 4-hour rental time.
All individuals must abide by the Woodley Recreation Association Pool Rules. A copy of the rules and regulations are posted on the wall by the front desk.
Members are responsible for any damages caused by willful misconduct of individuals attending your event.
Members who reserve the Pavilion must still share Pavilion-located amenities with the other Members of Woodley Pool (e.g. foosball table, grills, ice machine, microwave, and refrigerator). These amenities are not for the exclusive use of the Pavilion.
View our pavilion rental page for more rules and responsibilities regarding pavilion rental.
Non-members will be admitted to the premises only upon purchase of a guest pass and only when accompanied by a member.
Members may not leave guests unaccompanied at the pool at any time.
Members are limited to 10 guests per membership during each one-day period.
Guest passes may be limited at the discretion of the manager if conditions so warrant.
Members will be held responsible for the conduct of their guests.
Guests may re-enter the pool the same day without additional charge provided they are accompanied by the member who sponsored them.
Other than for authorized Pavilion reservations, special parties or other organized groups exceeding 10 non-member guests (i.e., birthdays, sports team, school classes, etc.) must have prior approval of the Board. Requests under this section shall be made by email to socialsecretary@woodleypool.org at least one week in advance with an estimated number of attendees.
A guest pass per non-member (adult and child) is required.
Other than for authorized Pavilion reservations, no area of the pool or grounds may be cordoned off, reserved, or occupied to the exclusion of other members.
Violation of this section shall be reported by the manager to the Board and may result in a fine of $300 against the responsible membership(s). Failure to pay the fine will result in suspended memberships.
Members may schedule private swim or dive lessons for themselves or children with lifeguards under terms agreed to between the member and the lifeguard.
Only lifeguards employed by the pool management company for staffing at the Association may provide swim or dive lessons. Violation of this rule may result in in the denial of the use of Association facilities.
Swim lessons may not take place in the designated lap lanes unless the swimmer can confidently swim the length of the pool in a manner that does not impede or disturb other lap swimmers. Otherwise, all swim instruction must occur outside the designated lap lanes.
Dive lessons do not entitle the instructor or student to exclusive use of the diving boards. Students may not stand on the board for long periods, or remain in the dive well after diving. The regular dive well rules still apply.
Swim or dive lessons may only be scheduled during regular pool operating hours.
Lifeguards may not conduct swim or dive lessons while on duty in any capacity.
No swim or dive lessons may occur on weekends or holidays after 3 pm.
Advertisements may be posted on the bulletin board by the front desk after approval by the Board. The size of the advertisement may not exceed 5 inches by 7 inches.
Violations of the General Rules or Swimming Rules may result in a warning or in suspension of privileges as follows:
After a warning to the concerned party, the manager on duty may suspend privileges by having the member or guest removed from the premises for a maximum of 24 hours.
In the case of repeated violations, the manager or assistant manager may suspend privileges by having the member or guest removed from the premises for a maximum of 3 days. In all such cases a letter of explanation shall be sent to the member by the Board of Directors.
Unauthorized entry into the premises when pool is closed may result in suspension of privileges for the remainder of the season and/or legal prosecution at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Every effort will be made to notify parents in the event their children are evicted from the pool for the day due to misbehavior.
Any conduct which in the opinion of the staff and/or Board of Directors would interfere with the health and/or safety of pool patrons and not identified in any other rule will be cause for suspension from the pool facilities, and this suspension will remain in effect until such time as the Board can meet and determine further action, if any, to be taken.
The Board reserves the right to deny the use of the Association’s facilities to any person who fails to comply with these rules.